Find the Core Fitness

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What makes up an in home workout?

What makes up and in home workout?

Many new clients want to know what they can expect during the hour we are with you. We know it can be intimidating when you commit to changing your body, and you want to know what to expect.

First of all, know that we understand and have worked with many people in your exact same position.  Each client is unique and we also respect this and work with you to make your perfect plan and to make sure you understand each part of it.

Regardless of your goals, this is what a general workout is broken into:

  • Warm-up

  • Strength and cardio

  • Cool-down 

For examples of all of these at home exercises, check out our YouTube channel.Now, because we do want each workout for each individual client to be crafted specifically for their goals, its hard to give an exact breakdown of what your workout with us would look like.  But to get an idea of what goes on in a trainer's head when writing your program, here's some insight:

We usually write this after we write the strength and cardio portion because the goal of this is to get your body safely prepared for that main portion. What we look at is, what movements are happening during your workout and how can we prepare your muscles and joint for that?

From here, we program active stretching. So, movements that resemble a static hold stretch but you fluidly move through them. These light and fluid exercises circulate blood and oxygen and wake you up! This part should feel good and be on the easier side. Then we look at what extra mobility needs to happen. This may include a little more intense exercises and some core engagement. Then we focus on balance and more core stabilization.If you have any restrictions, or are in a rehab stage (after a joint surgery, illness, etc) this portion will take more time.

If you are restriction free and have a main goal of weight loss or muscle growth, this portion will be shorter and will feel more like the main portion of the workout, aka not so easy ;)

Strength and cardio: 
This is the heart of the workout. This is what we program to be the most effective to move you towards your goals! Your in home personal trainer will push you to find your core here. All programs will focus on a strong and balanced core!If you are looking to feel better in your skin, prevent fall risk, have more mobility and agility and gain some strength your workout will include body weight and weighted exercises at a gentle pace. incorporating extra balance and core stability moves. We will also incorporate some steady cardio with heart rate variability, but we will limit jumping and plyometrics.

If you are looking to lose weight and increase your health numbers, your workout routine will include creative cardio that is challenging and fun. We will keep variety high and include various equipment such as dumbbells, exercise balls and agility ladder. We will vary the types of cardio you do to always increase the challenge on the body for improved results. You will be doing plyometric exercises in styles like Tabata and HIIT.

If you are looking to increase muscle size and strength your in home workout program will consist of different weight lifting techniques, including various weight equipment and body weight challenges. We will work within this program to increase your heart rate for cardio as well.If you have restrictions, are pregnant or postnatal, your circuits will be specifically planned for where you are that week.

Cool Down: 
You earned it! A nice stretch to literally cool down your body, muscles and joints. Think static stretches, holding them for up to 90 seconds. Your personal trainer will focus on the muscles you worked in your workout, but also wants to hear from you on anything that is tight or needs some extra love.

So there you have it! Sounds fun, right? Give us a call today to get started. And again, if you can't quite picture this, watch and try some in home exercises on Find the Core YouTube channel. We use these for exercise homework and through our virtual app personal training.