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Our recommended mulit-v

If you look at all the diets out there, over the past and currently, what has stayed consistent is we need fruits and vegetables. We need a lot of them and a variety. But its hard to get the recommended 7-13 servings of F&V in every single day.And on top of that, because our soil is so depleted F&V don’t even pack the same nutritional punch that they did 50 years ago. Mix that with our grocery stores having produce that was picked when it wasn’t ripe and if not organic, also having some chemicals our bodies have to deal with as they digest the good stuff, its tricky to get what we need in our diets alone. Now that doesn’t mean to stop eating F&V. We believe that the best multi-vitamin is our food. When you think about it, where do all of the isolated vitamins comes from (think vitamin c, d, e, multi-v supplements)? They come from our food of course! We have just decided over the past that we can take out a specific vitamin or sequence of vitamins and turn that into a pill to take every day. But that is never as effective as eating a full orange, avocado, etc.

So all of this leads to what we recommend to fill the gap between your already healthy diet and what you may be lacking, Juice Plus+. Juice Plus+ says keep eating your F&V every day but to make sure you’re getting your full servings in we are going to take 30 fruits, vegetables and berries, take out the water and the fiber but keep all the thousands of nutrients in and break that down and pack it into a capsule form. <We say thousands of nutrients because there are literally over 20 thousand in one apple alone, and that’s just all that scientists have been able to find and name!> Inside each capsule are all the nutrients kept together to ensure that they build your cells juts like if you were eating the actual apple raw! Further, they are able to pick the produce at the perfect ripeness and from farmers and soil they trust.

Most importantly, Juice Plus+ is third party NSF certified to prove that what they say is in the capsules and only that, Fruits, vegetable and berries is what is in there. They have been proven 100% bioavailable, This is huge! Just like raw produce, Juice Plus+, through third party, shows that it does absorb into your bloodstream and can be tested for after consuming. This means this ‘multi-v’ packs the punch of eating 30 fruits, veg and berries and that your body takes those nutrients to build your cells fueling your organs and health!

Please contact us to learn more, we love to educate!