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Three quick and easy immune boosting recipes

Three quick and easy immune boosting recipes 

We know we want a robust immune system to fight off illness, especially as the seasons change. Getting good sleep, keeping stress at bay and eating a healthy diet all help strengthen our immune system. We wanted to arm you with three go-to recipes that are packed with nutrients specifically chosen to boost your immune system. 

Berries and honey in yogurt

Mix ½ of a cup of berries with 2 tablespoons of honey into ½-1 cup of yogurt. Its that simple!

Berries: A super source of antioxidants which help protect your body against cell damage which can lead to weak immune function

Honey: Local and/or raw honey is best. Honey has antioxidants, phytonutrients and is an antibacterial and antifungal!

Yogurt: We recommend getting local or homemade, plain, whole fat, organic yogurt. Or at least try and choose a yogurt with some of these buzz words if possible. This will ensure there are live cultures, healthy fat and high protein without unnecessary sugar. Probiotics from the bacteria in the live cultures of yogurt help build the health of your gut which is where the majority of your gut is housed. You’ll also get a nice dose of Vitamin D which is key to the body’s natural defense mechanisms. Plus you’ll be fueling your body with high quality fat and protein for energy.

Garlicky red bell peppers and spinach scrambled eggs with turmeric and coconut oil

On a frying pan, heat 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and a diced garlic clove for about 30 seconds. Add a large handful of spinach leaves, ½ of a red bell pepper cut into bite size pieces, two lightly beaten eggs and a dash of turmeric. Mix together with a spatula until eggs are done. Remove from heat add salt & pepper. 

Coconut Oil:antimicrobial and fatty acids 

Garlic: Great source of minerals including sulfur which supports the immune system

Spinach: Packed full of nutrients to aid our body. Contains antioxidants, Vitamin C, Beta Carotene and vitamin A, to name a few.

Red Bell Pepper: Super high source of Vitamin C which we all know as the anti-cold vitamin. 

Eggs: Go for organic here, local if you can. High protein, omegas and healthy fat.

Turmeric: antiviral and anti inflammatory properties

Ginger infused green tea

Boil 2 cups of water in a saucepan. Add in 1 inch of chopped ginger, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Then add 2 tea bags of green tea for 2 minutes. Remove from heat, strain out ginger and sip!

Ginger: contains antioxidants and anti inflammatory components

Green tea: antioxidant rich and anti inflammatory polyphenols, as well plus small amounts of natural minerals

Enjoy these recipes all fall and winter! Which is your new favorite?