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Using the fall to prepare for the spring!

Using the fall to prepare for the spring! We just finished a bunch of outside work on our house. Building a whole new driveway and garage which included new retaining walls in the front and back, new sod and leaf compost where we want to plant.  We had an awesome team do all this work for us, Hendel Lawn Care and we even found out their compost goes to the botanical gardens so we know it’s good stuff! We decided we have a nice space behind our garage that gets plenty of morning sun that we want to plant fruits and veggies in next year so we went with the leaf compost back there instead of sod. We also got a compost bin that we’ve been filling up to be able to use next spring for our garden. We ordered the hot frog compost bin which a friend recommended. It’s so awesome to take all of our food scraps (minus meat, dairy and oil) and put it back into the earth! We keep joking that our trash barely fills up every week besides with our puppy’s poops! We’ve even been using some friends yard clippings and leaves to add to our compost. It’s quite an experiment and we’re still learning. But we are super excited to use it for our garden and see how it helps everything grow. I’ve heard egg shells and banana peels are especially helpful in gardens, and we have been eating a ton of bananas because there are so many in my pregnancy recipes. And now that we order eggs from Fed From The Farm we are eating those pretty consistently too. Kyle took last weekend when I was at my baby showers to make the actual garden beds for the fruit and veggie gardens. He followed this guide online and made two 4 x 10 garden beds including a bottom that will keep out weeds. We’re going to put those in place soon, and then create a covering from our garage to the fence for the garden to keep out our puppy Remy and any other furry pests. We’ll update in the spring with what we plant and how the compost worked out!!