Pumpkin Spice is Everything Nice
You may or may not be a fan of PSL and the truckloads of pumpkin products at TJ’s, but I’m here to tell you that pumpkin… REAL pumpkin, the kind you carve into, has some substantial health benefits!
Even if it is cooked into a pie!
Pumpkin Spice
is everything nice
Unfortunately, pumpkin flavored food items, like coffee, does not reap the same benefits. Further, canned pumpkin is ok but getting the real deal is best! So when you go to the pumpkin patch (or most grocers) pick one to carve and one to eat! Here’s why:
Pumpkins, a traditional fall fruit, is known for its immune boosting benefits. Packed with tons of Vitamin A and C, its like it was made for us to eat when everyone starts getting sick! Pretty cool.
It is a bit more work to cook a whole pumpkin versus getting it canned. But the benefits and taste are worth it. You can cut and then bake or boil a pumpkin to get the same puree you would in a can without the potential BPA or loss in nutrients. And the taste! I’m confident you’ll never go back. You can then take this puree you’ve made and use it for any pumpkin recipes. I love pumpkin soup myself! I add other veggies and coconut milk for a well-rounded meal.