Travel Fitness
Travel Fitness. Staying fit when you leave home! There are many ways to sneak in exercise when you are traveling. And boy do I love to find all the ways I can get creative on the road! Here are two simple ideas that require no extra equipment besides your body! Of course only do the exercises that you know are safe for your ability level. Not being home is no excuse to not fit in at least a few minutes of exercise when you are traveling. Get your workout done in the morning before the day starts! If everyone else is still sleeping pop in headphones so you can listen to music or a podcast to keep you moving. These are short workouts to help boost your energy for the day. Your in home personal trainer will have plenty of other ideas for full workouts that will move you towards your goal. And as always, its best to start and end these workouts with a warm up consisting of stretches and balance for flexibility. No brainer: pick an exercise and do as many reps as you can in 5 minutes. Throughout the 5 minutes add in static holds, pulses, plyometric or single limb versions. Exercise ideas: squat, lunge, side lunge, bridge, leg lifts, reverse crunch, superman, burpees, push-up, tricep dips, hand stand.Timer idea for full body: Pick out 5 of the moves above and do each move for one minute. Repeat as many times as you have time for.