Senior Fitness, we are here for you!

They say "time flies when you're having fun", which is good news since that means you must have had a lot of fun over the last couple decades! It seems like just yesterday that you went about your daily routine without ever thinking about the physical aspect of the tasks. However, over the years you have slowly (so slow you never even noticed!) begun to lose speed, agility, flexibility, and general physical stability. The simple activities throughout your day now require forethought and planning combined with varying degrees of physical adjustment to accomplish them.

If you can relate to any of these aging-based issues don't feel bad, you are in the majority. The American Association for Retired Persons (AARP) and the Administration on Aging (AoA) reported in 2006 that only 39% of seniors rated their health as "very good to excellent" and more than 85% of seniors suffer from at least one chronic health condition. These numbers do not play in your favor. The degradation of the body is a completely natural process, but it does not need to be accompanied by the variety of ailments and disabilities that it so often does.Unfortunately, when it comes to strength and mobility, the concept of "use it or lose it" applies.

And as we get older it becomes more and more difficult to keep using our bodies at the same pace we used to. This subtle shift from active to sedentary lifestyles results in many of our physical functions getting used less frequently and with less intensity. We begin to lose strength and flexibility making physical activity more difficult and leading us to become even more sedentary.

This circle of degradation simply needs to be broken for many of the ailments to be reversed.Forcing yourself to stay as active as possible is the key to maintaining physical functionality and vigor. There are countless approaches to achieving this goal ranging from devices that remind you to move in regular intervals to personal trainers that provide the plans and motivation to keep you going.

Any method is better than nothing, but they all come with different pros and cons.One of the most consistently successful approaches is the use of a personal trainer. This provides the benefit of a plan that is established and managed by a professional as well as the motivation and accountability that can only be received from someone that knows you and how to keep you going. However, this also has many downsides related to the requirement of showing up at the gym and dealing with all of the environmental factors that come along with that.

Here at Find the Core Fitness, our approach of in-home personal training gives you all of the benefits of a personal trainer, without the negatives of attending a gym. You can receive a personalized effective workout from the comfort of your home! Our trainers work with the aging population of seniors in St. Louis to help them feel their best. With the understanding that everyone comes with their own level of abilities, impediments, and preferred training style/environment, we focus on building a program based on YOU; your goals and current ability are combined into the most efficient means of achieving your desired result. Whether your goal is to be able to confidently stand up off the floor, keep up with your children/grandchildren, or a specific weight loss or pain reduction goal, our in-home personal trainers are equipped with the skills to guide you down your new fitness path!

We all know time is our most valuable commodity and that’s why we come to your house to save you time traveling to and from a gym. This also allows for workouts to be much more comfortable and adaptable to how you are feeling that day.  Regardless of what the original plan was, we adapt to keep you safe and feeling your best. There is no time like the present, so invest in your health today!

Time flies when you’re having fun! But really, has time passed by so fast and all of a sudden the things that you used to do every day without a thought, now take effort, come pain and plenty of preparation? Would you like to gain strength and balance to feel more confident and to make those things easier again? It is possible!

Our in home personal trainers work with the aging population of seniors in St. Louis to help you feel your best.  The American Association for Retired Persons and the Administration on Aging reported that in 2006, only 39% of older people rated their health as excellent or very good. More than 85% of older adults suffer from at least one chronic health condition.We are here to help improve those odds.

Our personal trainers will craft a personalized fitness plan for you. Do not worry that we are scary drill sergeants, we want to understand your specific goals and needs and help you start moving forward. Our number one priority is to keep you safe. After learning what aches and pains you may have and what restrictions we need to know about, we will create each workout full of stretches, breathing exercises, balance drills and appropriate strength and cardio sequences. We are here to meet you where you are now and to help guide you and be with you to get you where you want to be. Maybe that is to be able to confidently stand up off the floor.

Or to keep up with your children and grandchildren. Or to not have fear of being alone and falling. Maybe you have a specific weight loss or strength goal, or you are looking to reduce pain and increase energy. We specialize in helping you achieve these goals. There is no better time to start improving your health than today. We all know time is our most valuable commodity and that’s why we come to your house to save you time traveling to and from a gym. And this makes workouts much more comfortable and adaptable to how you are feeling that day, regardless of what the original plan was, we adapt to keep you safe and feeling your best. Invest in your health today!