New Mamas, we are here to help!

At Find the Core Fitness, we train a lot of prenatal and postnatal mamas, (and dadas!) and are always putting research into keeping mom and baby safe throughout pregnancy and beyond. Pregnancy and movement during pregnancy, or prenatal exercise, is a completely natural thing. The changes a new mother’s body goes through just blows me away. From your hormones and how this affects nearly every part of your pregnancy, leading to your pregnancy brain, nesting, your gut biome and libido changes. Our personal trainers are here to come to your home, keeping you comfortable and at ease during every stage of your pregnancy, while also making sure we are matching your workouts to your specific goals for your postpartum life. We are trained to keep you safe, limiting potentially harmful exercises and filling your workout with energy-boosting, stress and pain relieving exercises. It is generally safe for moms-to-be to continue with the same level of fitness they were doing before pregnancy. However, that doesn’t mean you want to keep doing the exact same exercises, and that’s where your personal trainer comes in. We will adjust the exercises to match where you are in your pregnancy. Your core and abdominal muscles need to be treated in a slightly different way as your baby grows. Stretching and certain movement patterns also need to be adjusted as your muscles become more susceptible to over stretching and straining. Put in another way, your body has shifted its number 1 priority to keeping baby safe. Our number 1 priority is keeping you safe during your prenatal stages. Our second priority is making your feel your best and keeping you moving to stay as strong as you can to help prepare you for birth! Switching gears to postnatal fitness:Your body just spent around 40 weeks growing this child. As I said above, all of its efforts were shifted towards this. Now, once you have your baby, your body is still working towards feeding and caring for this new child. Regardless of if you had a vaginal or cesarean birth, your body needs time to heal and there are specific exercises that are safe for this- sometimes called 4th trimester- and there are exercises that are not as safe or beneficial. You worry about your little one and we will worry about healing your body and making your feel your best. We will lead you through gentle and effective postnatal exercise circuits, again right at your house, with baby right there seeing their strong mama! We can also help with the emotional and hormonal toll a new mother goes through after birth. Both vaginal and caesarean birth leads to a specific change in hormones, gut health, physical health and oh the lack of sleep! We want to help educate you on all of this and let you know what you are feeling in this time is normal. It is not talked about enough and we are here to lend a listening ear. Give us a call and get moving so you have one less thing to worry about!